Become a member today, click on the button below to join us!

Member Benefits
Please note that all Federal Bar Council memberships run from September 1 to August 31 of every year,
with a 90 day grace period (all membership benefits will end november 30).
As a member of the Federal Bar Council, you will receive the following benefits:
Our committees work actively on substantive legal projects, plan CLE Programs, and sponsor special events.
All featuring notable practitioners and federal judges.
The Quarterly contains useful information on newly appointed judges, practice and procedure developments, as well as news and legal commentary.
Including the annual Judges Reception, Thanksgiving Luncheon, Law Day Dinner, Fall Bench & Bar Retreat, and Winter Bench & Bar Conference.
Published annually – a compendium of judicial biographies, court information and a membership directory. (Sustaining Members are identified in boldface in the membership directory.)
A beautiful coffee table book illustrating 19 courthouses in use today in the Second Circuit.
Membership Types
Sustaining Member
All benefits above, plus identification as a Sustaining Member In the Second Circuit Redbook and at FBC events
Regular Member
All privileges of membership above.
Regular - First Five Years
Members of the bar for five years or less; all privileges of membership above.
Associate Member
Members who reside and practice outside the Second Circuit. All privileges of membership above.
Non-profit Members
Members who are full-time professors, are government attorneys, or attorneys at a nonprofit organization. All privileges of membership above
Retiree Member
Members who are fully retired from the practice of law. All privileges of membership above.
Federal Judicial Law Clerk
Membership, with all its privileges, is free during the clerkship term (maximum of two years).
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